Let’s go on a journey through the eyes of beauty

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Let me take you on a journey through the eyes of beauty.

Today, while paddling the Finlayson Arm, I began reflecting on why I am doing what I am doing.  Why I choose to be connected with nature… Why I have a job in a Nature House… why I am taking my Masters in Environmental Education and Communication, and what I am going to do about it.

I see a great opportunity of improvement, engagement, cleaning things up, educating people and empowering people.  I work with an amazing team of staff and volunteers that are moved and connected by the same cause of Environmental Education and Stewardship at Goldstream Nature House.

I am empowered to “Do something, even if it’s wrong.”

I want to make a difference by “Being the Change I Wish to See”

Today, while I kayaked up the Arm, I was blessed by the presence of two Stellar Sea Lions and three seals.  

I climbed out of my kayak and sat on a rock.  I pulled out my book “Medicine Cards” by Jamie Sams and Dave Carson.  A book that keeps bringing me back to nature, back to why I do what I do… back to myself.

I went on a journey through the eye of beauty, and was brought to sharing a story with you.  Salmon tells me that I am going with the flow and following my inner knowing… I think seal agrees.  Unfortunately I couldn’t find seal in the book, so I decided to read Salmon (since that is what I am learning all about at the Nature House for the Salmon Run)  I decided to read it to you… watch here:


I choose to avoid the influence of others that are not in my favor.  I intend on flowing in a direction that benefits my inner knowing and growth.

I choose to honor my inner knowing and continue on this quest of making a difference through storytelling.  I hope you enjoyed my little video in a real part of my day.

I resonate with Ina Woolcott’s words about Seal on her page

“There is a powerful suggestion that we are more closely linked to the animals than we may think, and may inspire us to look into these connections in more depth… Seals are (obviously) sea mammals, and are highly symbolic of our feeling, sensual selves. The seal helps us to remember our connection to our deep inner rhythms, feelings, and knowing, as represented by the sea… As humans generally believe themselves to be apart from ‘animals’, when really we are a-part of them, we often fight giving in to these deep rhythms and are afraid of ‘losing’ what we consider to be ourselves. When we are afraid of drowning in these depths, Seal being a good swimmer and knowing how to flow with the ever changing current, reminds us how to swim with the current. When we do this the negative feelings we have created such as worry, fear and anxiety are released from our minds. If seal enters your life, you are being asked to review the ebb and flow of your thoughts and emotions and find and keep up a point of balance. “

I am finding balance the more I get out into nature.  I am finding peace with being alone… with going deeper, and really resonate with the fact that I am a part of animals.  Not only am I learning about how to educate people about the parts of the salmon, I really want to know more about them, their life cycle, their ways of being, and doing… I want to be near them, and feel them.  When that little yearling touched my boat today I was in awe and tickled by it’s playful and curious nature… It made me smile and want to come back tomorrow.  I think I will.  I think I will because I want to spend more time in the presence of beautiful creatures.  Live, wild creatures, creatures that are happy and healthy.  It gives me hope that we can keep these creatures safe by choosing less invasive forms of amusement, like kayaking.  I don’t want to dampen your mood, but maybe this next video will move you to want to do the same.  Blessings on your journey


Midway – trailer v.3.2 from Copper Sky Productions on Vimeo.

on Vimeo.

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