Professional Development
For Program Leaders, Teachers & Parent/Guardians
Who work with groups of 6 to 30 children outside.
Wild Craft Play is a unique adventure platform for children to fall in love with learning and hopefully want to take care of the Earth.
We took aspects of board games, videogames and tabletop role-play games and turned it into a live quest outside. Some say “it’s like living in a storybook.” Where we are the characters, and the world is our quest. Your role is to be a Game Master like in Dungeons and Dragons, where you empart the next story, then say “now what?” and allow the adventure to unfold.
Your adventure can be filled with make-believe and imagination, AND it can be for real-life discovery. All designed to Learn by Doing having Fun with a Purpose.
This 8-week experiential, self-paced training program is filled with engaging tools and confidence building practices, a community of practitioners and a personal guide.
Ideal for groups of 6 to 30 children, ages 8-12.
PS. Our program qualifies for the BC Training Grant.
Whether you are a parent/guardian, a program leader or a teacher, pull these tools out and unleash them on your kids and soak-up the wonderment. Wild Craft Play is a challenging, engaging and rewarding game that fosters independence, leadership, critical thinking, group decision making and compassion. By focusing on honing your skills as a facilitator you get to support social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing in young people through theatrical role-play in Nature. Can you believe this is a job?
Included in your License to Lead:
- 8-Week Self-paced Online Mentorship from Jamie Black Master of Adventure ($200)
- Wild Craft Play Manual – Version 2.0 ($70)
- Including timeline, lesson plan, training videos
- Secret Storybook ($80)
- Water Resistant hand-made book, with removable waterproof pages
- Including Act 1, Scenes 1 & 2, mini child manual, how to make money sheet, 4 archetype cards
- Hazard Assessment Training – 4 hour online module ($40)
- Snailbox – hand-painted ($60)
- Waterproof 25 Card Deck of Sacred Story characters made by Joelique ($30)
- Waterproof WildCraft 100 Cards from ($45)
- Annual License to Lead + Eternal Community of Support (Priceless)
Value of more than $515
Founder Rate $370 + gst
Inquire about how you can begin in our upcoming training:
- This is a self-paced training experience
- Once you have the resources and tools, begin your 8 week practicum, requires between 6 to 30 children for at least 6 weeks
- To begin, prepare for a 6 hour scheduled video intro with founder Jamie Black, where you spend:
- 2 hours learning online live,
- 2 hours reviewing videos and reading content
- 2 hours in the field
- Take a few weeks to prepare your props, costuming, storyline
Time is required to send you the materials you will need.
To Register, complete the steps on the right:
1) Fill out the contact form,
2) Make the payment by e-transfer or PayPal,
WHAT is Wild Craft Play anyway?
Wild Craft Play is an imaginary world where children go on quests, find and manage gold coins, build villages, save the world from impending doom, and sleigh a monster or two. Questers are guided to engage in youth-crafted creative story, hike in gumboots, climb trees, build shelters, make fires, role-play and shadow-story.
Mostly outdoor and higher-risk activities (such as fire-making, wood-carving, archery, biking and swordplay) in a world where monsters, quests and mystery overtake our imaginations, and we must survive the perrils of the World of Wild Craft Play.
~ Testimonials ~
Teaching and Learning together since 2008.
This training is for teachers/community program leaders, facilitators, who can assemble a group of between 6 and 30 children between the ages of 8 and 12 (grades 3-7).
December until February you will experience an online support program that helps facilitate adventures outside. In the process you will become a Master of Adventure.
This pilot training uses new software to make the learning experience for teachers much more palatable.
- Less time on Zoom
- Easily accessible videos and resources from an App on your phone (or computer).
- Access to a mentor from a click of a button.
Receive support and training on topics such as;
- How to run Wild Craft Play
- Risk and Hazard Management
- Nature Connection Practices
- Financial and Ecological Literacy
- Coping Mechanisms for Youth with Varying Needs
- Free-Cycling and the Creative Arts
- Place Conscious Ecological Practice
- The Arts of Storytelling & Story-Catching
- How to Integrate Curriculum and Objectives into the Game
- Self-Care and Support
It is the magic of wonderment that ignites a sense of ownership, responsibility, inclusiveness and togetherness.Jamie Black
From the Founder, Jamie Black
When I train people to lead Wild Craft Play, I have come to understand that this experience is for teachers or leaders who are confident outdoor educators and are seeking something more dynamic, exciting, engaging and even magical.
I have played this game with different groups of youth for over 10 years now, and it’s evolution comes from tried and revised feedback from youth playing the game. These adopts practices and techniques come from a variety of games and pedagogies, has morphed into a unique and compelling platform. For some teachers, this is “child’s play” and you are off to the races, knowing exactly what you want and run with it, go ahead, adapt and change it and make it your own.
For some teachers it’s a challenge because I ask you to change your facilitation style from teaching to more of a guide role or facilitator. Working along side, or even sometimes behind the youth; witnessing, watching, and waiting. Although I appreciate that you might be more accustomed to helping, supporting and doing things for youth, this program is designed to let the youth lead.
With the Hummingbird Approach, we have a few techniques that hook them, making them crave more, and anticipate the next activity and await eagerly for your next move. Built from the shoulders of giants such as; John Dewey, Jerome Bruner, and Montessori’s theories of Guided Discovery Learning; Jon Young and the 8 Shields Model with the Art of Mentoring; Role Play strategies from World of WarCraft, Cards, and resources from games like WildCraft, The Sacred Storyteller, Practices such as using dice in DnD, Tangible resources like in Minecraft, Questing with Clark and Glazier, and LARPing, the list goes on.
With every adventure, we adapt to the changes, especially now with what is happening because of Covid. We have learned to break things down a bit more, offer more support to teachers and leaders online, ensuring that there is less reading required and more tangible tools to simply use such as videos of Jamie speaking directly to the youth.
By turning this into a step-by-step “compass” where you get what you need when you need it, rather than receiving a handful of reading material to start, the journey of learning by doing is much easier to swallow, allowing time to digest and celebrate success.
Kelli, a trained Wild Craft Play practitioner on Vancouver Island, has a class of grade 6’s and a great wilderness setting at a private school. She hosted Wild Craft Play 3 days a week, for at least 4 hours a day for months, which is not required for success in this program, yet quite a privilege. The feedback from young people is that they want to play this more, more often, and for longer. Even in sideways rain, one youth hollered “Can we play this all winter?”
“All of them worked on what they were passionate about, it was part of what they were selling and what they were creating. Now they’ve gone beyond that, outside the classroom. All of them have… Wild Craft Play brings back the magic.” Kelli Rosenbeck
Here are the basics of what is required to run Wild Craft Play;
- Outdoor space with room to run, foliage to hide in and a place to tuck a mailbox
- Access to shelter for the cold and windy days
- Storage for your resources
- Tarps, First Aid Kit and
- Most important an open mind and heart to let in the imagination
The amount of time you would want to spend minimally is 2 hours per session, with at least 8 sessions. An optimal time commitment would look more like many hours a week for months, if-not years.
Are you looking for ways to boost your confidence in facilitating outdoor play with youth? It takes experience, good resources, committing your time to following through with professional development training, and coaching that will leave you feeling confident, engaged, and supported.
My name is Jamie Black and I am on a mission to regenerate resilience in youth the way Nature intended. I’ve created an accessible online and outdoor training platform adaptable to program leaders around the world.
This training is an innovative, unique approach designed for adults who lead programs or classes for youth ages 8-14.
People who are willing and eager to take youth outdoors who are looking for guidance and support receive the following;
- Tricks and tools on how to make your program more fun and engaging
- Enhance youth self-regulation skills, coping strategies and group decision making
- Enlist agency in financial literacy, reading, writing, history, storytelling by being physically active and creative outside
- Teach life skills like thinking of others, preparing food, working together as a community, taking initiative, thinking ahead
- Become a community that feels supported
- Build and craft resources and practical tools
- Practice the art of keeping youth safe, while still engaging in Risky Play
- Receive group and One-to-One guidance from professionals with 20 plus years of experience in the field.
You might have a group of youth who act out with behaviors, or maybe diagnosed with ADHD, FASD, or Autism. Or maybe you are struggling with trusting the decisions that you make, when it comes to youth and risky play. Maybe you are just looking for alternative games and strategies to support your covid safety plan.
The way this training works:
- Think of this training as your compass to mastering your adventure and boosting your confidence, knowledge and skills
- Access training through our App that allows you to access materials on and off-line, so that you can take these teachings into the field (I highly recommend you buy a waterproof phone case)
- Join the zoom calls to introduce yourself, share stories and review new teachings
- Engage in 2 longer days over the span of 6 weeks (1 at the beginning, and one mid-way through), where we dive into the skills that you truly need to enhance your understanding of Wild Craft Play, whether it’s Assessing Hazards, Hand Skills, Heart Skills or deepening your understanding through Earth Conscious practices
- Join a follow-up debrief to catch stories, ask questions and wrap up your learning
- Receive your License to Teach via email.
call: 250-927-7923
It is an honor and privilege to work and play on the K’omoks First Nation Territory in beautiful BC.
Apply Here
Dive into a community of support, tools, and resources that will guide you to your own discovery with confidence.
Does any of this resonate with you?
Based on my life experience as an outdoor guide for over 20 years, plus an MA in Environmental Education and Communication, I have come to understand that we need to build a “common sense” when it comes to outdoor experiences, and the main way that we can do this is through experience.
See for yourself what other’s have to say about the programs with these testimonials.
Click here for you free consultation:
call: 250-927-7923
It is an honor and privilege to work and play on the K’omoks First Nation Territory in beautiful BC.
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