The Hummingbird Approach
This case study examines a group of 10-11 year-olds participating in a nature-based
educational role-play adventure program called Wild Craft Play. The facilitative approach used
mirrors some of the characteristics of the hummingbird, and thereby is affectionately referred to
within these pages as The Hummingbird Approach. In this approach, once the facilitator has set
the activities in motion (like the Hummingbird), her role becomes one of hovering as observer or
witness rather than that of the more traditional didactic instructor who stands in front and tells
the students what they will learn. In this way, the Hummingbird facilitator ‘pollinates’ the
learning process with questions, comments and stories at appropriate intervals in order to
catalyze and deepen the children’s flowering awareness. Seven sessions of Wild Craft Play were
video-recorded for the purposes of data collection, theming, and analysis to help examine and
assess participant engagement and identify what facilitation techniques effectively optimized
their learning, with the potential for replication and possible future training of other nature-based
facilitators. This case study also suggests that strong and important connections are forged
through this more playful approach that invites children to make their own discoveries and
meaning, guiding them toward a deeper level of understanding.
As an environmental educator and communicator, it seems to me that I have been
engaged in this research for about the last 15 years despite just embarking formally on this study
over the last four years. With deep roots in environmental stewardship programs and
empowering youth, I am passionate about finding ways to work with children and understand
more about their engagement with nature when they are at an age where they are still open to
possibility and willing to explore. I feel that helping children to grow their relationship with
nature is especially critical at a time when our world is in peril and needs environmental stewards
as never before. Not least of all, as an environmental educator and communicator, I am also keen
to help other teachers and facilitators learn how best to evolve.
In order to understand why my approach seemed to be successful, I reviewed my
facilitation approaches in light of literature on the subject. A technique of facilitation that I first
read on Richard Louv’s Child and Nature Alliance blog site called “Hummingbird Parenting”
(Almeras, 2009), seemed to reflect similar techniques to those that I was practicing. Using this
method (The Hummingbird Approach), I set up the scenarios and allowed the children to develop
their own characters, roles, circumstances and experiences over time, while gently guiding this
process by observing their experiences from the periphery in order to select appropriate moments
to “pollinate” their scenarios with questions, ideas or comments. I uncovered material that
clarified the methods that I had been using, Guided Discovery Learning (Janssen, Westbroek, &
Driel, 2014). Based on this preliminary review, I designed a research case study to identify more
precisely what methods were useful from my previous work while researching related literature
to theoretically support any successes that I had observed. Click here for more…
Wild Craft Play Program History
Wild Craft Play, a nature-based program facilitated with an approach that helps young
people to effectively co-exist in and enjoy nature aims to encourage environmental stewardship
in children. The goal is to empower children when faced with issues about the environment, in
order for them to make good decisions for our earth. One catalyst for the development of this
program was brought home to me when I witnessed children leaving their garbage in the woods
during programs that I facilitated. They didn’t seem to even consider the importance of picking it
up. The other instigating factor was the recognition of the scale of illegal dumping at Little
Mountain. The heaps of garbage found at the base of the 300-foot cliff was disturbing, and linked
the current actions of children with the potential actions of teenagers and adults in my mind.
My program was initiated as a pilot project funded by a grant received in partnership with
School District 69 and the BC government to host summer camp programs for low income
families in Area F, a small rural community in Central Vancouver Island, BC. The children that
attended these camps, had many emotional and social issues, and I noticed that their engagement
in the program seemed to improve their behaviors. The two leaders for the Wild Craft Play
camps, one of whom was an experienced school teacher, the other a karate instructor, were
surprised with how well the children responded to the program. Over the next three years, Wild
Craft Play was integrated into programming for children ages 8-12 at Horne Lake Caves Outdoor
Centre, located in Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Based on a digital game-like
experience, the program included questing, finding gold and other treasures, and doing
interesting tasks while experiencing canoeing, caving, rock rappelling, wilderness survival,
campfires, field games, and night time adventures. The feedback from the children was used to
improve the game, altering it, and enhancing it over the years. Since 2008, the Wild Craft Play I
have offered the program at events such as the The Kulth Festival, Coombs, BC, Canada, as well
as the Errington Farmer’s Market, with local home-school community groups, and with the Boys
and Girls Club of Central Vancouver Island, BC.
At the heart of Wild Craft Play are the core values of fostering collaboration and
compassion, problem solving skills and empathy through identification with self, others and
nature. The program is designed to provide many other benefits as well, such as: critical
thinking, leadership, taking initiative, engagement, curiosity, creativity, imagination, sharing and
a willingness to fully participate. By developing these skills, young people may become more
competent in their actions and more engaged with the environment, therefore generating a
greater possibility of becoming care-takers of the earth (aka: environmental stewards.) There are
resources, I refer to in this paper as props, both natural and human made, used within the context
of the natural environment. The facilitation style and the resulting interactions that happen between the children themselves are an experience that is nurtured by a facilitation approach that
is attentive to the children’s inter-connectedness between each other and with the facilitator.
The facilitator has many roles as: a storyteller, a merchant, a banker, a philanthropist and
a trickster of sorts and more. By fully submersing in the game as a character, the children
develop a general ease and respect for living the game. The facilitator, while remaining in
character, role models effective life skills and behaviors. For the purposes of this study, a
facilitator is defined as “one that helps to bring about an outcome (as learning, productivity, or
communication) by providing indirect or unobtrusive assistance, guidance, or supervision”
(Merriam-Webster, 2016).
Theories of Guided Discovery
Reynolds & Caperton (2011), in criticizing Discovery Learning, said that it could
generate frustration and a feeling of lack of support, which could result in strain on the cognitive
[Discovery-based] approaches ignore both the structures that constitute human cognitive
architecture and evidence from empirical studies over the past half-century that
consistently indicate that minimally guided instruction [Discovery Learning] is less
effective and less efficient than instructional approaches that place a strong emphasis on
guidance of the student learning process. (p. 273)
Some recent research has also suggested that minimally-guided instruction does not
generate effective results because it does not appropriately engage with the processes of our
working or long-term memory (Kirschner, Sweller & Clark, 2006). There have been
considerable discussions regarding whether Kirschner (2006) appropriately characterized
the methods and processes involved in discovery learning.
Guided Discovery Learning (GDL)on the other hand, re-emphasizes the important role of
the teacher/guide, but builds on the discovery learning model. According to Dr. Robert A.
Lavine (2012):
Guided discovery learning combines didactic instruction presented by a teacher, lecturer,
or author with a more student- and task-centered approach. Key features are (1) a
framework for student learning, (2) student responsibility for exploring content needed
for understanding, (3) provision of study guides, and (4) application to practical,
experimental, or clinical problems. (p. 1402)
GDL is a mixture of “pointing the way to understanding or problem-solving by a guide
with the discovery of facts, relationships, and solutions by students them-selves, as they explore,
manipulate objects, discuss, or perform experiments, drawing upon their own experience and
existing knowledge” (Lavine, 2012, p. 1402).
Brown & Campione (1995) championed GDL suggesting that it is the middle ground
between a more didactic (or receptive approach) and a discovery approach. However, they
recognized that GDL is not an easy facilitation approach, and that it requires an experienced and
educated mind to discern the appropriate times to “to intervene and when to leave well enough
alone” (p. 230).
Chapter 6: Discussion
This case study has been a great adventure of self-discovery, deepening my
understanding of what makes a guided-discovery journey so engaging for children. I have found
that engagement can be interpreted in many different ways, and that it is difficult to find a single
effective approach to analyzing data which is useful enough to uncover results that can be used
by many, however, I feel more confident that Wild Craft Play has the potential to engage positive
child responses and could be replicated as an alternative nature-based program. I hope that some
of the identified factors can be shared as effective and practical facilitation techniques for other
environmental educators and teachers. Click here for more…
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