A simple and affordable App
For people who want to take care of the Earth & in-turn yourself.
Join a compass with a Community of Support for Program Leaders, Educators & Parent/Guardians
Enjoy relevant and quality training in:
- How to support challenging children
- How to facilitate Live Action Role Play
- A plethora of Outdoor Activities
- The nuts and bolts of Wild Craft Play
- How to Assess Hazards and Risk
- And more…
Engage with a circle of Support
Become an Apprentice
Get 1-to-1 coaching
For those who work with groups of 6 to 30 children, youth or adults outside.
only $4.99/Month to access your Circle App CLICK HERE.
- Daily access to professional guides
- Monthly Live Online Q & A’s
- Resources;
- Past Discussion Recordings & Training
- Interviews
- Readings
- Nature Song Lyrics
- Accountability Buddy System
- Pod Casts topics
- Place-Conscious Practices
- Defiance in Children who are Neuro-diverse
- more…
For just a bit more…
You can access an enriched adventure with professionals in the field. Of course there will be extra fees for more advanced experiences such as the Mentorship Program, Retreats and extensive Workshops to cover the cost of facilitation, space rental, insurance etc.
- Peer Mentorship – with vetted assessment process ($30 1 time fee)
- Training;
- Self-paced workshops
- How to Assess Hazards and Risk ($37 1 time fee)
- Facilitator’s Training for Wild Craft Play LARP ($370 1 time fee)
- Group seminars ($ varied costs)
- In-person retreats on the land ($ varied costs)
- Self-paced workshops
- 1-to-1 Coaching with experienced professionals in the field of Outdoor Play, Naturalists who Sing, Nature-Connection, 8 Shields Coyote Mentoring, Earth Education.
Earth Guides is a unique online portal adults who love to learn and are seeking community to overcome hardships, support learners and take care of Earth.
Circle is an online App platform that makes it easy to navigate different resources.
Ideal for folx who facilitate groups of 6 to 30 children, ages 8 and up.
Whether you are a parent/guardian, a program leader or a teacher, this easily accessible app can give you direct access to mentorshop and support or the more self-paced learning you are seeking.
Quick setup
It takes about 2 minutes to create an account.
Access the Wild Craft LARP Club Portal.
WHAT is Earth Guides anyway?
It’s like a compass to consult when things are going sideways, when you are starting on your path, and when you are nearing the peak of your adventure. After 20 years of doing this work, we wanted to come up with a name we could call ourselves that resonated with the work we do and who we are. We are Earth Guides, doing this work with and for the Earth, guiding others with and for each other in a good way.
~ Testimonials ~
Teaching and Learning together since 2008.
This portal is for teachers/community program leaders, facilitators, who lead others on Earth.
It is the magic of wonderment that ignites a sense of ownership, responsibility, inclusiveness and togetherness.Jamie Black
From the Founder, Jamie Black
It has been years of calling in community, talking about hard topics, and trying to find a platform that works for people. It’s no circle in the woods, but it is pretty darn accessible, and it’s private.
With so many people reaching out to access resources, my time and the expertise of other professionals in the field, I needed something that could enhance people’s experience, make the experience more accessible to more people, and provide valuable content and resources.
With 20 years in the field and a thesis on The Hummingbird Approach; A Case Study of Guided Discovery Learning with Children in Nature, we have a few techniques that hook children, ignite a craving for more, generating anticipation for the next activity.
I have built a Live Action Role Play world called Wild Craft Play from the shoulders of giants such as; John Dewey, Jerome Bruner, and Montessori’s theories of Guided Discovery Learning; Jon Young and the 8 Shields Model with the Art of Mentoring; Role Play strategies from World of WarCraft, Cards, and resources from games like WildCraft, The Sacred Storyteller, Practices such as using dice in DnD, Tangible resources like in Minecraft, Questing with Clark and Glazier, and LARPing, the list goes on.
With every adventure, we adapt to the changes, especially now with what is happening because of Covid. We have learned to break things down a bit more, offer more support to teachers and leaders online, ensuring that there is less reading required and more tangible tools to simply use such as videos of Jamie speaking directly to the youth.
By turning this into a “compass” where you get what you need when you need it, rather than receiving a handful of reading material to start, the journey of learning by doing is much easier to swallow, allowing time to digest and celebrate success.
Kelli, a trained Wild Craft Play practitioner on Vancouver Island, has a class of grade 6’s and a great wilderness setting at a private school. She hosted Wild Craft Play 3 days a week, for at least 4 hours a day for months, which is not required for success in this program, yet quite a privilege. The feedback from young people is that they want to play this more, more often, and for longer. Even in sideways rain, one youth hollered “Can we play this all winter?”
“All of them worked on what they were passionate about, it was part of what they were selling and what they were creating. Now they’ve gone beyond that, outside the classroom. All of them have… Wild Craft Play brings back the magic.” Kelli Rosenbeck
Dive into a community of support, tools, and resources that will guide you to your own discovery with confidence.
Does any of this resonate with you?
Based on my life experience as an outdoor guide for over 20 years, plus an MA in Environmental Education and Communication, I have come to understand that we need to build a “common sense” when it comes to outdoor experiences, and the main way that we can do this is through experience.
See for yourself what other’s have to say about the programs with these testimonials.
e-mail: jamieblack@wildcraftplay.com
call: 250-927-7923
It is an honor and privilege to work and play on the K’omoks First Nation Territory in beautiful BC.
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