Coptic-Hand-Bound Journals for a Cause

It’s an honor and privilege to be working and playing on K’omoks First Nation Territory 
(Sathloot, Sasitla, Ieeksun, Puntledge, Cha’chae, and Tat’poos) 
in Beautiful British Columbia


Order your coptic-hand-bound journal and have it sent to your door.

You see 9 inch by 6 inch, coptic-hand-bound Journals hand crafted by Jamie Black and friends.  The pages on the inside are plain white paper. The unique aspects of these journals is that EVERY PAGE lies flat when opened.  These particular journals are covers that were salvaged from old hard-covered books before being sent to the incinerator, where we use the covers for journals, and the pages as art projects or fire-starter for our youth programs.

The black Raven feather drawing comes from a story shared below, and all of the funds go to Wild Craft Play ‘sCool.

Cost: $47 + shipping

Given that each book cover is unique, when one goes, it is sold, as you can see, the red or yellow covers are harder to come by.

Screen printing by Wachiay Studio

Prep and Punching by River Ink







#5 – 9 inch by 6 inch blank white page coptic-bound journal

#6 – SOLD

#7 – SOLD

#8 – 9 inch by 6 inch blank white page coptic-bound journal


#10 – 9 inch by 6 inch blank white page coptic-bound journal

#11 – 9 inch by 6 inch blank white page coptic-bound journal

#12 – 9 inch by 6 inch blank white page coptic-bound journal

Get to Know the Artists

  •  Jamie Black, MA

    All art by Jamie Black sends 100% of proceeds to Wild Craft Play ‘sCool.

    As the Founder of Wild Craft Play ‘sCool, Jamie is dedicated to igniting the wonderment in a child’s eye, through the therapeutic realms of Outdoor Play, Nature Time, Arts, Music, Dance and Shadow Play. These journals have been a deep healing process, and opportunity to give-back, focusing on a unique and functional craft, drawn from a place of deep contemplation and reflection.

    Jamie has been an artist since the dawn of time, favoring color, sketch and digital design.  Stop by and say hi the next time you see Jamie and find out more about what Jamie’s up to!

  • My Journey of Raven Feather and these Journals

    I am so excited, to finally be sharing these Raven Feather Journals with you. They come from a long journey, and are meant to inspire you to release through pen to paper in some way.

    PTSD started showing it’s head to me in 2015. After an unexpected toxic relationship and stressful time of Masters research, I took myself on what’s called a Spiritual Drum Journey, where I went to Lower World and met the Celtic Goddess Morrigan. The Goddess of Magick and Night. She is said to be guided by 3 familiars, Ravens. When I journeyed to Morrigan, I begged for relief from the night terrors, the vivid day dreams that left me paralyzed in a physical fear that haunted me for months.

    In the journey, Morrigan said to me “When you find the black Raven feather, you will let go.”
    As you can imagine, I hunted through the forest for months, anxiously seeking a black raven feather.

    The black painted feather on the image of the grey journal is what was handed to me one afternoon by 7 year old Brooke. A very magical young person who was wise beyond her years, bold and quite the artist. When she handed me the journal, I was speechless, and nearly quit breathing. I quickly asked her to write a poem to go inside the journal. That poem is on the top of the written text.

    As she worked on the poem, I had to step outside and catch my breath, I had to stay strong while hosting the program, and I was… in a daze. Later that night, I cried for hours, and finally let go, and the nightmares stopped, the fear left my body, and I finally began to feel whole.
    I have been doing Spiritual Drum Journeys for over 10 years now and has become a regular practice I use for me, and for others to heal. If you want to know more, I am starting a practice in person and online soon… stay tuned.
    I am so so grateful for Brooke and her brave and wild spirit. And for these journals that are now coming into completion.
    Photo Credit of Morrigan…/dp/1578636639

Make Your Order:

Step 1: Decide, do you want to buy a bundle, or help us spread the word?

  • Buy 1 for yourself, or as a gift
  • Online you can buy bundles of 5 or 10 (save on shipping).
  • Monthly orders invited as well
  • Help us spread the word and make a commission

Step 2: Choose your prints

  • Scan through the journals and identify which ones you want, take note of the # For example this is #1, which is a different book than #6.


Step 3: Calculate the costs:

  • 1 for $47.00
  • 5 for $225.00 (save$10)
  • 10 for $450.00 (save $20)
  • Shipping cost 
    • $10 across Vancouver Island
    • $18 BC
    • $25 across Canada

Step 4: Make Your Order


  • Person’s name to address it to
  • Address of recipient
  • Name and Phone number of person who is ordering
  • # of the Journal(s) you wish to order
  • Method of payment – etransfer OR PayPal

OR CLICK THIS LINK TO Print & Submit THIS Order Form by email


Wish to sell in-store?

  • Order on Consignment, we pay printing and shipping costs, and once you sell the journal, you send us the money by e-transfer, paypal or cash.

Thanks for spreading the word for a good cause!


Young Artists Get Published


Be a chosen youth who has their art published in an educational resource called the Sacred Storybook.

Open for submissions

Wild Craft Play ‘sCool, is revamping their children’s storybook to enhance the learning experience for children ages 8 and up.  Wild Craft Play is a role-play, nature-based in-person program that is as fun as a videogame, designed with strategy game-play that hooks children in and leaves them wanting more.  The Sacred Storybook is how the whole program starts.

In collaboration with Scrapbook Garage in Parksville, who is working on a prototype for a more compact and functional book, and

Jamie is calling for art submissions to revise the Earth Charter pages of the book.





Email to receive an entry form

Any medium, pencil, paint, photography, digital art must be 8 inch x 8 inch

Every person who complete this quest of submitting this art, receives:
  • Invitation into the Secret Society, a group of community members dedicated to bringing more Wild Craft Play Game to Vancouver Island and abroad.
  • Invitation to the next Wild Craft Play 1 Day Games in Cumberland and across Vancouver Island
Chosen artists will receive:
  • Acknowledgement on the Wall of Fame
  • Letter of Recognition to add to your portfolio

To order a discounted copy of your book email


Book Jamie for an Online Presentation to learn more about how you can get published.

Presentations provided online, pre-registration is required, dates will be sent to you, and any presentation made will be saved and available for registrants.

Your submission of art will enhance this book and the experience for thousands of children. This book was created by founder Jamie Black and a child named Carmanah when she was 11 years old, nearly 9 years ago. Wild Craft Play The Game, has brought wild wonderment to hundreds of children, youth and adults since 2008. It has been played with groups of 16 or more children, ages 8 and up, designed for at least 8 weeks of engagement or more.

Initially this program was created with children, for children, to re-connect them with the Earth, now it is a multi-disciplinary experience that teaches about anti-bullying, as well as reaches all of the BC core competencies and is a model designed to meet some of the BC curriculum, namely, Grades 3, 4 and 5; physical and health education, math, financial literacy, science, socials, english, drama, environmental education, art and music. For anyone who facilitates the game, one of the core intentions is to help children play more gently on the Earth, making decisions for the Earth, and for our future.

When this book is published, it will become an educational resource to any adult who works with groups of children ages 8 and up. Join the movement. Become a Wild Craft Play Facilitator.

Jamie Black MA
(Master of Adventure)
Director & Founder
Wild Craft Play ‘sCool


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